Monday, 14 September 2015

Pokemon Z Leaked And Confirmed?

This months issue of CoroCoro brought us some excellent news, and let us finally know whats going on with Zygarde! At the end of this years Pokemon film staring Hoopa, we saw a black blob in the shape of a Pokemon we've never seen before, this of course sparked many many rumors and now, they're all been answered. This Pokemon was Zygarde, the legendary introduced via Pokemon X & Y and then was forgotten about. Zygarde isn't really the best party member, having quite low stats compared to other legendary's available in game which is the main reason he was quickly dumped into the useless pile by competitive gamers. He lacked an story or meaning to why he was in the game so many players soon forgot about him.

The magazine talked a lot about Zygarde's new forms and how he would achieve them with the amount of power he had collected. The GREEN blob pictured left of Zygarde is "Zygarde Cell" and this will be his starting form at 0% power. (See Pictures Below) We wont go into much detail here but you can find more information at iDigitaltimes HERE.

Along with the news of the new forms came a release date for the next series in anime. Simple titled Pokemon XY & Z, the series is set to air sometime around October 29th. With this news, one has to wonder is this a set up for a 3rd game in the generation similar to the way they made Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Platinum? My money is on yes. It makes perfect sense to set Zygarde up with his own series and possible movie and then throw in a whole new game with it. Not much information has been given to talk about possible stories or characters but we'll be sure to keep you posted as we find out!

So what do you guys think? Is this the set up for a new game or is it just a new series hook? Leave a comment below and let me know!

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  1. There's two more gen 6 games left, and Game Freak wants to surprise us, not give us something we expected before X and Y released

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