Metal Gear Solid V is the fifth (obviously) installment to the MGS franchise produced by Hideo Kojima, a former gamer designer of the publisher Konami who are responsible for the series.
So lets jump into it, you want to know if this is the game for you. Metal Gear Solid has its own style of game play that can't be compared to anything but itself. Metal Gear invented this type of tactical, quirky stealth game play and it really is something brilliant. If you're somebody into anything other then action adventure/stealth games then right off the bat, NO, this isn't the game for you. If you're a die hard action adventure games then.. okay maybe it is but, you wont have nearly as much fun as you would if you played using tactics, cardboard boxes and route planning. Even though the game DOES allow you to run and gun as well as call attack helicopters and mortar strikes, this is the very base of the game. This method of playing allows no where near as much as stealth tactics.
Now the main feature I want to talk about is the shire size of the open world and everything included in it. Now to give you just an idea of how big it really is, I've logged about 20 hours into the game so far and im only 8% of the way through. The plains of Afghanistan are absolutely loaded with random activity's, bases to capture and a couple of hundred side ops missions. The only down fall to this I see is, sometimes it is a little over whelming to see just how much you have left to do, I like to 100% most games and I honestly think I will be playing this at least December.
This isn't a full review so you are not going to see page after page of game mechanics or how well it runs on PC vs. Console, I simply want to tell you if this is the game for you or not. With that said I think I can do that with just one sentence. Metal Gear Solid V Allows you as the player to Air lift just about anything into the sky using little tiny balloons - including, and most fun of all - people and animals.
Still not convinced? Well okay its more then just that, The Phantom Pain offers a kind of game play and story, especially the story, that will absolutely blow you away. From time to time I've found myself trying to explain to friends why this game is great and why they should play it but in all honesty, this game has to be experienced 1st hand to really understand the feeling it gives you. MGS V is the fist game in years of AAA history to finally produce something worth this new price tag of £50/$60.
I do play a lot of stealth games from time to time but, MGS V is my first in the series due to never being interested in its hugely confusing story line, but boy am I glad I started with this one. The story of TPP is twisty and a little confusing to begin with but its nothing a few lore videos from YouTube can't set straight.
The last point I want to talk about is the Multiplayer. The god awful launch of the multiplayer was enough to make me loose all interest until they confirm the servers and feature itself is completely fixed and ready to go. Even then I still might not play it as the single player is enough to hold me over nicely. The online aspect allows you to build up your mother base and invade other players worlds to infiltrate their version of mother base which they have built up the same way you have, increasing security and weapons making it hard to win. Both players will face off trying to find each other as well as sneaking around and tracking, trying to come out on top.
Over all I have to give it to Konami for The Phantom Pain, it has provided an experience I haven't gotten with other games in a long long time. I personally recommend this game to those looking for a great single player with amazing characters and looking to get into stealth games. I definitely think Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a brilliant place to start for those looking to get into stealth games or this series. So is this the game for you? If you're looking for a massively open, free roaming, stealth tactic, guard strangling bonanza then yes. If you're looking for a Shoot em up adventure game then no probably not, you'd be better of waiting for Rainbow Six Siege or Black Ops III.
What did you guys think? Did you like this new Short and to the point type of review im doing, be sure to leave a comment to let me know and i'll make more!
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