Thursday, 1 October 2015

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Replaces "Augment Your Pre-Order" - Is This A Step Forward For Gaming?

Developers, Square Enix have finally come to their senses and have decided to stop their crazy pre-order program. The idea behind the pre-order program was when enough people had ordered the game, a new milestone would unlock, granting those people a choice of a DLC pack. Every milestone (e.g 1,000 or 5,000 orders) a new tier of content would be unlocked. The final reward to be unlocked was the release of the game 4 days early.

As you can guess, this didn't go over well with the fans of the franchise OR gamers in general. Feeling like you were being held out on in regards to DLC made people furious and this generated a huge black lash of hate and negative comments. Sqaure Enix took all that into concern and have announced ,via their official blog, that the whole thing would be shut down. If you were one of the few people looking forward to the extra DLC packs you can still order the collectors edition and receive everything that was previously promised. *EDIT* News from Sqaure Enix explains that the regular pre-order will feature day one content and will include DLC seen in the picture below.

So what does this mean for the industry? Well I personally feel this is a huge step; a company listening to their fans, actually reading the news reports, social media reviews and then proceeding to shut down a marketing tactic that no doubt cost them a hefty bunch of money to sort out, all for the PR is a great way to show they do care about the people playing their games. Do I think other company's such as EA and Ubisoft will do the same to cut out their bullshit? No, but im very hopeful smaller companies and indie devs take note of this and also see just how much this makes a difference.

So what do you guys think; do you think it was bad of them to cave into pressure or are you happy to see the whole program gone? Let me know in the comments below!

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