Tuesday, 18 August 2015

5 Reasons to make the switch from 3DS to the New 3DS!

1. Highly improved 3D

As the UPS (unique selling point) of the 3DS itself you'd of thought it would be the best it possibly could be, right? Well wrong. The 3DS' 3D feature was very lacklustre at best, using it for longer than 20 minutes gave you a chronic headache! Well, all that has disappeared with the New 3DS' version of 3D capability. The new feature now comes with complete 180 degree viewing angle allowing you to see the 3D pictures from more angles, rather than staring at the screen in a perfect line which was probably the main cause of headache. The other advantage of the new 3D feature is the fact that.. it actually works! Many times I have found my old 3DS just flat out not work with some games due to weird glitches and very picky viewing angles. I can safely say that these 2 very obnoxious problems have disappeared with the new improved 3DS.

2. Ergonomic Design

Have you ever held your 3DS for longer than 20 minutes and had pain in your hands that sort of felt like someone spot welding your palms? The sharp corners just dig right in the soft spot and renders you unplayable after the pain kicks in. The New 3DS however sits just perfectly and with its rounded off corners and smooth edges makes you think you're holding a new born baby.. only you know with more Legend of Zelda then regular babies.. shut up it's a metaphor.

3. Customisable Cover Plates

If you're like me, you tend to want your phone or laptop or console to have a cool background to make it look a bit different to everyone else. So buyers of the New 3DS will be glad to hear that the original cover plates shipped with the DS will be swap-able to a array of different designs. The plates replace the existing shell of the DS and provide the same amount of protection to the console, unfortunately they're not compatible with the New 3DSXL. My bet is sooner or later their will be company's willing to print custom pictures on the shells and ship them online just the same as iPhone covers, so prepare so waves of my little pony covers!

4. The New Games

I say new "games" but I mean game. Single. Yes, the only game created specifically to highlight the New 3DS' capability is Xeonblade chronicles which is just a port from the Wii Original, without altering the game play in any way but showing of the power and rendering of the New 3DS. I have high hopes that there will be a huge wave of exclusive New 3DS games to seem like the console is money well spent. This problem should not turn you off of buying the new console as more games are sure to come and the new upgrade is always nice even if not needed!

5. Amiibo Support

So just like the WiiU console the New 3DS has Amiibo capability which is great! Anything that can justify my spending of £500 + on plastic figures will make me feel happy! In serious thought the Amiibo support is good but very few games have anything to offer with the NFC so at this point in time it feels wasted. This again, is a case of waiting for more games to integrate them into play but having the upgrade available is always fun to mess around with from time to time!

All-in-all I still highly recommend the New 3DS for the main visual upgrades and improved console design! The lack of games and Amiibo support are not reasons to turn away from the New 3DS but are something to bare in mind while deciding!

Let us know in the comments below if this list helped you decide if you make the switch!


  1. Number 6. Screen Scratches. How about the fact that nintendo fixed the problem where the bottom screen would touch the top screen when the DS was closed causing two vertical scratches on the upper screen. If you look through the side when closed you can clearly see they no longer touch. Big plus in my book.

    1. I did hear alot about that problem! I did consider hardware and software reasons but i thought id keep the list a little more fun than techy and stuff!
